SONY 50" Grand WEGA LCD??

  • HD 1280x720 native 3LCD chip resolution
  • WEGA Engine™ with DRC-MFv1 digital video processing
  • 3 LCD Chips (R/G/B); 921,600 Pixels Each
  • 2 HDMI™ inputs
    Seems like a pretty decent TV for $1799 considering the size and the picture looks good (watched at BestBuy today)

PROS? CONS? stuff to watch out for? Is the service plan worth it for $400 for 4 years? What can go bad besides the projection bulb?

1080p > *

aka, Sharp > Sony :wink:

Cons: Rear Po. Bulb = somewhere between 180-350 probably, and my old roomate’s “Light Engine” died in his 42 a while back, had he not had a service plan he’d have been SOL on a $1600 part (nm the tv was only 1950 lol).

Personally, I hate rear-pro and figure, sack up and get a smaller direct-view (say a 37" sharp lcd or 42" lg plasma) for the same price, I’d rather have image quality over size, were I to want HUGE I’d just get a projector+screen…


I’d love to have you, or fuck, ANYONE shy of Sony’s Marketing Deparrr… errr, I mean, Engineers, yeah, that’s it, explain WTF that exactly is? I get the impression they are talking about the scaler chipeset / display drivers, but if you wanna talk video processing, lets talk Fujitsu’s AVM-II chip or Faroudja. Shit, Mustang HD2 (TI) is a billion light-years ahead of all but the highest-end LCOS / D-ILA sony pieces, and that’s a like ummm 5-year old technology at this point?

What is the model of that Sony?

1080p = worthless. Nothing will probably ever be broadcast in that for the course of the TV’s life. And I know like the Toshiba HDDVD player doesn’t even support it (while HDDVD’s DO support it). So unless your huge into watching movies and plan on buying into blu-ray/HDDVD in the near future, 1080p isn’t something I would look for in a TV (not that it hurts to have).

LG plasma’s look like shit IMO. I would take the Sony over that anyday… Also, not everyone gets a huge big screen for the coolness factor, a 37" TV may be too small for the room he is putting it in… And a Projector/Screen is not practical for most rooms (sorry, I like to have lights ON)…

Actually, 1080p is VERY useful, esp. if you intend to game on it / hook up a computer / HTPC (esp. considering what, say, Apple is offering coming soon with downloadable hi-def h.264 videos, which btw DO support 1080p - DVD / HDDVD is a stopgap measure until IPTV is the standard, welcome to the future). Plus, why NOT have some future-proofing in supporting a slightly higher standard than today’s norm? Using the cheapo $3-500 Toshiba player as your benchmark is LAME.

Sony is all about marketing. Do they make a BAD set? No way. Can you do FAR better at the same or lower price point? Absolutely. Take their new LCDs, you can get into the Sharp Aquos line for the same or less money, it’d be RETARDED to not… I would dare ANYONE to call the Sony a better set than the Sharp laffo - maybe if you like crushed blacks, too much contrast, overly-saturated colors and a terrible scaler when it comes to SD content?

I’m not trying to be a cock but shrugs I think it’s safe to say I have more experience and knowledge in this area than most people (much less most people on NYSPEED) - what are you basing your arguments on, doesn’t seem terribly educated to me. Have you SEEN a properly calibrated LG plasma (the new panel they just released)? I have. As much as I hated to admit it re: price point, while it’s nowhere near my $5k Fujitsu, it’s one hell of a set for well under 2k. Again, I’d take quality-but-slightly-smaller over big-and-crappy… and I think Rear Pro is half-assing it but what do I know…

I own the sony 50in 1080p And i love every moment of it. You really do see the difference in picture. Dont be cheap and just spend the extra $1000.00 and be happy. You will regret it otherwise. The pictures and color quality is amazing.

sony 1080p>all. theres a reason it won tv of the year.

:word: I have the sony 60 inch SXRD and every time i watch the damn thing i am glad i spent the extra loot for it :tup: Even 1080i looks phenomenal! Watching drag racing and nature shows is just sick!

I have a 27" Sony vega LCD in my bedroom and its rocks. You can see the color of peoples eyes at the bills games on HD tv.

because they have become disposable

as mentioned in a previous post, its more expensive to fix them than it is to replace them. why buy something that is geared for tech that hasn’t really hit the market yet, and won’t be a standard for at least a couple years? by the time everything is on hd-dvd or blue ray (a couple years) that monitor will be replaced.

The vast majority of people won’t even notice it on a screen size smaller than 60"

No IPTV provider does, or plans on doing 1080p that I know of…

1080p isn’t a broadcasting standard and probably never will be. Wow, blu-ray and HDDVD will do 1080p, unless all you do is watch movies on a crazy expensive dvd player… big fucking deal…

How do you figure? NOTHING (maybe the new blu-ray players) out right now does 1080p. And most people wouldn’t call a $500 DVD player cheap…

Nobody said there was anything wrong with Sharp Aqous or that Sony had a superior LCD set, so what exactly are you ranting about? It seems as if you just have an issue with Sony… BTW Sharp’s CRT line sucks.

Funny, I was going to say the same about your arguments… Your basing the fact that because apple is going to release videos in 1080p/24 (the worst frame rate you can get out of 1080p) that you should go 1080p? To hook up a computer to that kind of display and have it push out 1080p/24/30/60 is going to require some serious power, the kind of power most people won’t spend on a HTPC. Sorry, but the fact that we won’t see 1080p being BROADCAST by ANY cable/satelite/isp/whatever in the next 20 years alone is good enough to not waste money on 1080p… Especially on only a 50" TV. Now if your that into gaming or are a huge movie buff and need the BEST possible picture, even if you can’t notice it, then go for it.

i have that TV.

i like it, BUT, it still has that damn LCD effect thing…
where sharp, fast moving lines are slightly jagged.

i’d rather have the SXRD, but i’m not overly dissapointed.
its still bright with better viewing angles than i saw in other tv’s

it should be #2 on yor list :slight_smile:

im willing to bet my plasma looks 100000000% better than that sony.

plasma is the way to go now, sorry but im not into rainbow effects when watching tv, or any type of pixelation

I would take that bet in a heart beat.

Turbociv’s lcd VS. BuickGN plasma…Lets set this shit up.:lol:

fuck i would get in on that bet too ;), well if I get to use my source

someone call onyx to get the vids

Plasma > LCD

A 50" LCD for under 2 grand? WTF?

its projection not direct view

720p > 1080i

interlaced FTMFL

LCD Projection FTL as well…

Step down to a 42" Plasma and you’ll be happier in the long run

mine isnt lcd, its LCoS, different technologies.

but no arguing there about the 720-1080, but with my set even 1080i is :pimp:

your set can do 720P, try it some time

i am just sick of people thinking the bigger the number the better, like the whol 1080P debate, its a wast of money for the next 3-5 years, your are going to actually use 1080P like once in a while and only while watchin specific movies. Now imagine the quality of SDTV on a set that has to upconvert it to 1080P