SONY 50" Grand WEGA LCD??

i agree with you 100%. but i bought my set thinking for the long term. im planning on building a house in 2-3 years, and when i do i wont have the cash to fuck around and get the latest and greatest tv set out there. so i bought something thats the best of the best right now, that will be good to go for years and years down the road :tup: also, the way i have my set configured, it always goes 720p then 1080i. i couldnt even imagine how good 1080p would look on this set, some of the HDNet hockey games i get in 1080i or 720p look fucking phenomenal. I mean sometimes I get confused when some dude gets a hat trick and i throw my hat on the ice but it just bounces off of my screen :stuck_out_tongue:

Aren’t there new sets out called magnolias or something? I heard the new BB is getting them.

Parents have a Sony 50" A10 Grand Wega LCD rear projector…its pretty nice, no complaints with it. It does have some motion blur with fast movements but overall a great, big picture at a reasonable cost.

Its a store within best buy…

I guess its pretty baller

You might want to look at a Panasonic.


magnolia is a shit whole, they don’t even sell good cables

but whose tv are we gonna watch the vids on :gotme:

I have read other good reviews on their plasma’s. Can anyone confirm this? or have one…


werd, my rents just picked up a 42 panasonic plasma for just under 2k.

Pioneer Elite > * end of story

thats really funny

Yes it is. In my experience. The best picture/price ratio is the Sharp Aqous line.

heres a con…its an $1800 TV!!!

that’s pretty inexpensive


$1800 = cheap

65" LCD $15,000 = :pimp:… so pimp in fact that the cigar hes smoking is one of the $80 Cuban Cohibas you buy at the casino before you loose your life savings…

:word: j go with this TV …they make it in a 50’ too