What are you working with? V. Television.

I’m looking to get a big TV. Like 50"+.

I keep seeing phrases like “rear projection”, and “front projection”. What the hell is that? And LCD vs. plasma, what is the best one to go with?

Tell me what you have, and what you like and don’t like about it.


This has been discussed many times.

Oh. Oops. Thanks!

50" Samsung RPLCD … love every bit of it

62" mitsubishi dlp… fucking AMAZING picture. usually we just watch my roomate’s 55" sony, but we broke mine out for the game today… it’s catching the fox HD signal with NO ANTENNA and NO CABLE plugged into it. still looks amazing.

btw…I have a 40" at the opposite end of a 17’ room and it is plenty big.

40" Samsung LCD

optoma dvd projector… its hd and its BIG!

plasma if you want real blacks

lcd if you want…well hmm, i dont know.

Panny AE900U projector; 8’W x 6"H 1.3 gain screen… (only 720P, but still looks awesome; especially for being 3 years old and having almost 4K hours on the bulb!!!)

Front-Projection - Setup like mine, projector projecting onto the front of the screen
Rear-Projection - Projector inside the TV, projecting at the back of the screen
LCD - Typically up to 42" large-screen (some newer larger ones out now)
Plasma - most over 42"

Not sure pros/cons of LCD Vs Plasma, haven’t started researching new TVs yet…

Nearly everyone here will have a different tv and like it, either for their own preferences, because they want to be happy with their purchase, or because they dont know any better. This question is akin to ‘what car should I buy?’.

Go to www.avsforum.com and start researching if you’re serious about it. If you’re not serious about the purchase then just go to the store when stuff is on sale and let someone sell you something in your price range.

Pretty much anyone with an HD tv is going to say that their’s looks awesome and you should buy that brand.

Plasmas are good in bigger sizes 42" and up. Also provide fast refreshes and darker blacks.

LCDs are better looking in smaller sizes however, fast frame rate movies and video games can sometimes cause a blur effect on the screens.

I REALLY like my DLP. Even a 50" at 720p looks pretty good to me. If your not a hardcore video geek you wont see much of a difference between most tvs. You can probably get a good, big DLP for less then their lcd/plasma counterpart. DLP is a very slim rear projection system that uses a Texas Instruments processing unit to drive the picture. I have no complaints and I got a 50" 720p toshiba for 700 bucks.

so true


panasonic LCD, i dunno but I love the HD with my sports


sony sxrd rear projection


Tempting,but I’d need to see it up close first.

Yup, 42" here, you need fairly huge viewing distances to sit at a “propper” distance from the TV. Most people want to go as big as they can possible afford though, which doesn’t really optimize viewing.

How big is your room? For a medium sized room (with no budget info) I’d say your best bet is going to be a 42" Panny Plasma.

For a large room I’d suggest goingto a larger DLP, however you really only should even consider 1080p if you are getting a much larger TV (>50")


The internet wizrads recommend viewing distance of 2-3x the screen size.
I find that 3-4x is even better.

Also, as far as which tech, really depends on what you need.

After you figure out those two, narrow it down by budget, then brand.

We’ve got a 61"DLP and seating is ~12’ - 17’ depending on your spot on the couch. It looks great, but actually looks better from a little further - from the closest seats you can easily notice degradation. I wanted 50", wife refused. lol.
Does great in all lighting conditions in a large room, and from all angles. Great blacks, great transition, zero pixelation w/1080p OTA, occasional artifacts, but that is a result of DISH compression.

We’ve got a 42"LCD in the bedroom, ‘seating’ is ~15’ away. This is a cheap 720p set, and it does quite well for what it is. I wouldn’t ever recommend it for a main set though, doesn’t do well in very low light conditions & uncompressed 1080i OTA is noticably better then 720p via DISH. The blacks are decent, as well as the colors, but nothing superb.

True, spending your whole limit based in size alone is stupid. I would take a higher quality 42 over a middle of the road 52 any day. Since