What are you working with? V. Television.

True, spending your whole limit based in size alone is stupid. I would take a higher quality 42 over a middle of the road 52 any day. Since i am only like 10 feet from my tv a 32 is fine for me right now.

IMO I really don’t like LCD’s, I have a 42" - only reason I got it is it will likely last longer than the alternatives.

I LOVED my rear projection 52" sony - looked stellar even on standard def picture, only problem is it takes too much space.

I like plasma’s, and would have gotten one this time around however my living room has a bagillion windows and and there would have been too many reflections off the glass screen… it drives me nuts.

LCD lasts longer then LED DLP? lol.

Ceiling mounted HP DLP projector. Pretty much can make it large as I want/have room for.

i didn’t say they didn’t last long - DLP’s take up moar space though :frowning:

when you’re putting a TV over your fireplace, a projection is not really an option lol


But yea, you’re right. If you’re fitting the TV into a space that will generally mean Plasma or LCD.
If you’re looking to setup an entertainment system, then picture quality will determine which option - which doesn’t nec exclude any of the three.


I don’t really like LCDs, I can see the screen door and it bugs me… :shrug: Granted, I don’t see the rainbow effects on DLPs, it is all subjective.

I have a 60" sony sxrd, like it. 1080p ftw…

I chose this one because with dlp’s i see rainbow trails all the time…

Good point. I will occasionally see screen door on the LCD, again it was a cheap ($800) Vizio.
I’ve never spotted rainbows onthe DLP. We have alot of people over often for sports events & movies. Only one person ever admitted to seeing a rainbow trail on our old set (lamp & wheel DLP), that same person has yet to see it on the new set (LED engine).

ehhh I have never been a fan of DLP…my buddy got one and there is a big difference in sharpness between that and my plasma…also a bit different in price…he paid ~1000 for the same size tv, we paid 1700

IMO (theres the key words), Plasma can generally have great blacks / contrast, but i’ve found that I like DLPs better. That, and plasma doesn’t fair well in lighter rooms et al, again IMO. That, and I dont think plasma is avail over 50" is it?

But, the main thing that I’ve found is wether or not the set is calibrated, wether its LCD, Plasma, DLP, Projector, or even older high end CRT. I’ve seen $3k plasma that have looked like shit, but that was the way the owner set it up.


yes, sorry i sucked at clarifying… in terms of TV’s i’d ideally want a projection because i think they look the best for HD and non-HD picture… if you have a nice dark room, plasma is the cats ass. Investment-wise LCD>plasma though as they typically have a longer life expectancy than a plasma.

Ahh, i c. :tup:

The only issue I’ve had as far as the truth vs. rumors on my DLP is the silk screen effect. Never once have I seen rainbows.

As far as the best bang for the buck, DLP is way to go. Since both Toshiba and Sony have discountinued their rear projection line, you can probably find a good deal very soon.

word, the Tosh 65" DLP was on Tigerdirect for like $1400 last month. :eek:

42" Phillips Plasma screen, Got it when Plasmas first came out 2003-2004 era. It lacks a cable/TV converter and HDMI ports. Supports up to 1080i. I love it, no problems at all.

just got a 32 inch samsung plasma for my room…i love it

This used to be very common with the early TI chips; I know when I bought my projector in '05, I demo’d a bunch and I saw the rainbows on the DLP Projectors… thus why I went with LCD.

Now, I’ve looked at some new projectors (debating a serious upgrade), and I no longer see the rainbow effects like I did with the older models.

Something I read about TI changing the way the mirrors were on the chip and the movement of them. Not totally sure though

ok to clear up your opinions a bit.

Plasma has the best blacks out of the 3, Period.
Plasma can be gotten over 50’
and yes if there is a bright room the plasma does reflect a bit, but who watches movies in a lit room anyways :slight_smile:
All of them must be calibrated, plain and simple, weather it be via dvd or a certified person.

Ok, just to clear up my opinions abit. :stuck_out_tongue: