Soon to be New Yorker...

Welcome and nice hatch, If you posted it up for sale on here it’ would get sold pretty quick.

change thread title to read “Soon ta be New Yawka”

Quite the change of climate indeed. Welcome.

what town in LI? Rallye Mercedes sounds VERY familiar. I think maybe my parents bought the benz there when they had it.

nice car dont see too many oh those k series swaps up here :tup:

thats a nice EG, you should take the engine cover off.

you really should sell it before you move though. i dont know how much you know about the car theft scene down in the nyc area, but yours WILL get stolen if its not in a garage 100% of the time. people are just scumbags.

Rallye Mercedes is in Roslyn on Northern Blvd.

I really want to keep the car. But it’s going to be hard for me to keep two cars right now. I’m either going to sell the Civic or sell the Miata or sell both and get something 4 doors. I don’t know want I want to do yet…

are you going to live in roslyn? where are you living? That is a rather jappy area if I remember correctly.

No… I’ll be living in Carle Place like 15 mins away…

Just wondering… are their any places in Long Island area where you can drive fast?

don’t really want to post the street names. I will tell you this though. Take a trip to Jones Beach late at night… You will find a rather empty and very long/straight road…

Well down south… Most highway speed limit is 65… when I was up there most highways are like 55… It just doesn’t seem like you can go fast or get a good cruise when I was up there…

:gotme: why the fuck would he do that?? oh look! he does have an intake manifold under there! i thought it was just something useless

yeah, there are no 65 zones. The import/tuner community is plentiful. Not sure if the DPA meets are still going on(haven’t gone in 5 years). There is a few miles of strip malls and such where people would gather with cool rides and shit. Everything from extreme rice to extreme muscle. Cool scene, you can always find tons of people with similar cars. DPA = Deer Park Ave. Take the Southern State out there and go North. Thats where everyone used to meet. Don’t know about now though.

nice hatch and good luck on the move.

Well… I don’t have to worry about my Civic anymore… I was at a stop sign and some dumb ass 16 years old girl trying to make a left turn and hit an on coming Tahoe… The Tahoe hit her and then hit me…

The car is pretty much totaled adjuster is coming tomorrow to look at the car…

Here’s some pics of the car and a video…

Yo, that is a HOT civic, I’m so sorry.

I’m down by you, worked in midtown for about 3 years, but I still live in westchester.

Hit me up sometime, I’d love to meat, err, meet you