Soon To Be Orphans?



oh shitttttttttttt

i would kill my kids. no questions asked. they’d be dead.

Fine be that way :frowning:


Ummmm jon.

I don’t believe this thread was title’d “Funny pic of the day thread, please post pics and ruin my thread”

start yer own god dang thread about deers f’n dogs.

are the children going to kill the parents?

what jesse? I dont understand internet lingo

anyway, yea that is fucked up

More fuel for the not having kids fire.

I like to call that natural birth control.

Looks like something I would have done at that age…right before i lit it on fire and danced around it chanting demonic spells…I was a BAD kid lol. I got better with a few ass kickings though.

I thought that was the Dr. Marten approach.

wait a min, isent that internet lingo1!!!~!111 one

who the hell left them unattended long enough for them to do that?

The same parents whose kids do something fucked up and blame Grand Theft Auto and then the parents sue Rockstar Games instead of telling their little douche bags “no” to playing an adult game.

holy shit…



I hope that’s latex paint.