these a**holes should burn in hell

I know this is kinda old news but this really bothered me from day 1, I hope these retards get what they deserve. Hopefully they get worked over in the slammer pretty good. Such a beautiful little girl, so sad!!

man if you dont want the kid, kill it before its 2 months old (in the womb)

dont go killing a perfectly good kid.

Hell you could give any kid away, if you wanted too.

Celebritys adopt 15 kids a day.

thats foul man, they will get what they deserve.

anyone who does anythign to a kid, is pretty warped.

god damnit, how do you do something like that? they must have been on meth, only thing that can really explain something like that

thats unreal. It just shows how fucked up people can be

thats said …i dont know how anyone can do that

The faces of assholes

[quote=“Coveted Hilton,post:2,topic:40211"”]

man if you dont want the kid, kill it before its 2 months old (in the womb)

dont go killing a perfectly good kid.

Hell you could give any kid away, if you wanted too.

Celebritys adopt 15 kids a day.

thats foul man, they will get what they deserve.

anyone who does anythign to a kid, is pretty warped.


there is something about you that just doesent sit right with me.


there is something about you that just doesent sit right with me.



i lost faith in society day after day… so sad… thats the only thing that i like bout texas so far… their justice system… theyll get theirs

that broad is hotter than coveteds gf…


there is something about you that just doesent sit right with me.


I Pet the Cat the wrong way, I’m unorthodox against the grain.

That post could cause some confusion i guess.

Basically it says, if your not fit to be a parent, terminate it early, if your already in that situation.

If not Adoption… dont go doing Messed up stuff to a kid for no reason.

Also… those people who did it, look Crazy

Dude, fix your grammar and spelling… and you won’t look like such a fuckface

This reminds of me the Jason Midyette story. His parents beat him to death- 27 bones broken, skull fractured. Was in the care of the parents at the time. Took the inedpt Boulder CO, DA 2 YEARS to charge the parents!

holy fuck thats awful

capital punishment :tup:

arent these the idiots that were playing WOW


Why is it illegal to make criminals suffer?

its only fair.

The parents look like they’re convicts.

lol. they look related.

That’s just awful. I can only hope they get a very painful death peanlty.