Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

is shearer fab quality? buschur and shearer go hand in hand…

like i said, that picture was probably, maybe they still come with the worm clamps, maybe they don’t. if they still do, if they didn’t work he wouldn’t be selling them

and your a quality example of a chode?

im a marketing major so nice try…

how am i over paying for it? i got a 300$+ shipping upper intercooler pipe for for 190 shipped… hardly overpaying…

yea buddy

have you spent a single dollar at synapse? no. they did work on my car and will contune to do so, no need to bring them in here?

no i don’t click the free banners… maybe you do? the free gas ones?

actually the stainless steel is more expensive… right from the horses mouth

they don’t claim that its just lighter for a sales pitch… i bought it because i liked it? i can’t do that?

well say whatever you want mike, but whatever you are saying isn’t going to sway any oppinion on what i do to my car whether you think its worse or for the better.

and labor???

ok well now lets add this up
plasma cutter is what 1,000$
drill press 100$ idk ( i have a craftsman one) that i NEVER USE
welder 1000$+?

so say 2300$ if you were to DIY or die…

sorry, i don’t plan on buying all that shit, i’ll just buy the product, no big deal for me. i’m never going to fabricate anything since pretty much everything is off the shelf avliable…