sooo long night

So its 6:46 am and I’m up in my friends dorm room keeping an eye on him cause he drank a tad to much. Hes currently hugging the bucket well laying on his bed. Looks like I’ll be here for a while. I want to make sure hes alright before I pass out. I guess this is the reason I don’t drink… :slight_smile:

^^^LMAO!!! I needed that entertainment right now.

A bit of rape I think… lol You got some funny shit.

Hes been out for about the past half hour - 45 mins. Hes been sleeping. Hes breathing fine. I think hes good for some sleep for a while. I’m going to bed. Piece.

i just got home too.My idiot friend got to drunk and let me punch him in the jaw for the 40 bucks he owed me.I made him cry.Then he pissed on the floor.People should learn to be responsible

what a pussy.

Wow…I haven’t been that drunk in a loooong time, and for that exact reason. Having fun while maintaining a decent buzz > getting piss drunk and puking all over for 2 days.