Money,wii, set of jbl components, wallet,and gift cards. My gf bought me a avic in dash but I plan on breaking up with her. I made her buy me something cheap.
+11111111 best breakfast/dinner, and best book ever. the friction circle section is faaaannntastic.
edit: asked for a white spyder jacket and clear turning lamps for the rex, got a shitton of money instead. and a synthetic fuels book for school
Wii Sports or play
Wii Bowling(it Sucks)
Nike ACG Boots
Cant wait to get back to bowling on the Wii
not from santa coz i dont really celebrate christmas. however, i did buy myself a new watch.
always thought the forumla 1 series was cool. I’d never rock one, but nonetheless. I’m more of a grand carrera kind of guy.
so she got you a vibrating dildo instead?
I know what you did not get for Christmas. Job security!
Thermal Shirts,
Seagate 500Gig Free Agent (which brings my HDD total to 8)
Home made candy from the GF
2 pairs of jeans
A heated/massage computer chair
Sabres tickets
My birfday is the 28th so more to come!!!1
i got myself a car for this christmas, first time I have ever done that
i only got cash, so i just ordered myself some gifts.
kit includeds taillight, plate frame, hugger with led’s.
Bunch of gift cards, some xbox games which include nfs undercover…so far best one ive played yet…some clothes, hockey stick, cash, and got an ovechkin jersey from the gf which might possibly get signed tuesday
:tup: on the intergrated tail! Looks sooo much cleaner