lets do it ,joey just follow us around and watch the abortions happen
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
We could keep the front hatch popped for whores to get in :lol
I have a go pro. Let’s do this shit.
fuck off
I wanna drive the eeeeeeemr2 again. It’s equally as fun as the rsti in the twisties:lol
yea i gotta drive said emmmr2 after you got the chance to bounce my head off the roof at the drifto event :lol
ok, so what happened friday night…2 charger cops were sitting on a parking lot (executive circle IIRC) marked cars they werent really trying to hide…just sittin there waitin for someone to race…and 2 mid 90s stock looking accords proceeded to start a 17 second 1/4 mile, and they both whipped out of there, the one cop had his charger sidewaayyyyzzzz on the ext…was pretty cool…:lol and they proceeded to chase after them…then all the ratards that were watching pulled out behind and go back to the lot:facepalm and they ALL got blocked in…i proceeded to take a different escape route and listened to a friend of mine who has a scanner app on his phone, and we were listening to albanys finest from a safe unnamed persons driveway in g-land…we heard one occifer say “ALL HONDAS ARE STAYING” and then would make fun of the ricerness of each car as he went down the line…would give a loose description of each car and follow it with “staying” or “going” we even looped around and saw 3 or 4 GPD at the end of the ext @ 155, one pass down and one of the ppl with us counted something like 67 cars lined up…probably more:lol we then dropped of some passengers and i went home…end of story
Sentence structure FTW.
is it bad its better in my texting than my typing?
for the most part :lol
Actually I was playing with a different friend named brian and you and the general thought I was taking about this one lol
^ This.
I havn’t played much Forza.
hahhaahhaha that makes it even better! Bryan it is!!!
oh shut up, at least i didnt almost chop your head off at waterfest in NJ like i did to LKSi :lmao
i dont even wanna know how you pulled that off
Seeing Adam in his sister’s old X90 was pretty funny too.
he was hanging out of the roof hollerin at biddies and i had to slam on the brakes for a red light :lol
anyone gonna bother going tonight?
I’m pretty bored & just put my new fuel pump & fuel filter in so I was gonna go zip around later on.
Its going to be freezing cold tonight with potential snow according to weather.com
Yeah, too cold to bother. Its already rather cool and its windy.
helllll no way to code