Sorry Guys

No pics yet. Well I took some with my camera phone that night, but still nothing.
Funny story… my mom was actually gonna name me Nicholas until my grandparents/aunt intervened with the whole, “He’s the first boy child. You should name him the same as his dad!!”
Enter Patrick. I now go by Popcorn/Ninja… and Blades latest invention… Ghost Ninja
I think this is where RABBIT usually says RANDOM…

hahaha you guys are gonna laugh. There’s really no point but I’m going after the principal of the matter. Unfortunately court doesn’t fight the principal, and everything is evaluated on a monitary basis. There are some exceptions when you can word it with things such as “Hardship”… etc. Then it’s completely up to the discresion of the judge. If you don’t give a nice person vibe that you need to feel sorry for, and the judge can’t truly detach himself from his emotions you’re f*$#ed.

Hmmmm, well. Next meet I’ll tell you guys what happened. Can’t give too many details here.
They were both Italian, maybe Portugese… Alex, what do you think?

Thanks man. I think I would’ve held you back. I realized the value of the physical battle.