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lol welcome to NYSpeed :wave:

So how many pm’s have you received asking for pics…

there is still no full body on your myspace btw :slight_smile:

you do have an awful lot of the same picture of yourself. just in different clothes, sometimes.


oh ashely you should got r opinnion before posting especially your myspace. welcome. she is pretty awesome took shit talking via me very well.

lol someone had a drink too many lol

Welcome, good luck, and I hope to see you out at some events.

You should come out and try a road rally this winter.

  1. Obviously an attention whore…
  2. She has a SLIGHT Obsession with one of the board members, to the point of calling his friends (when he was ignoring her phone calls) to find out where he was and then she would just “randomly” show up…:snky:

ruh roh, n00b on n00b hate crimes…



<---- not a noob, been around for about 5 years now…just dont post often…

That doesn’t give us the story…

dont make me pry this story out of cal


I’ve said enough

God these are exactly the girls you need…

Horny at 3am, one call and sex…
bored on a sunday after noon sex

Shove it in her butt cause you are bored.

they will do anything for you… its totally cool :tup: to clingy bitches

:word: those are my favorites.
They usually put it up with it for about a year to 18 months too before they end up giving up and dating some “nice guy.” then they only call you for good sex when they’re drunk

clingy…stalker…same thing

I’m on 2.4 years with an ex… god she gives such great bj’s