South Side Whoops

How bout a help pewter out fund for the Impala he hit last wednesday night with the trailer. Seeing how its up to about 700-1000 dollars to fix it already. Maybe we could do something like slowmaro did or get a chunk of change from the town tavern or when we sell the cars. This shit isn’t going through insurance its coming out of his pocket. These cars have been nothing but nightmares since day 1.

our accident fund is bigger than the whole build budget:rofl:
are the cars being moved by any of us after this??

help pewter out fund is a good idea. I would contribute. Touching any of the money that was designated towards the charities will not be tolerated. Fund raised moneys should go towards to build fund, and or the designated charities. Thats it.

thanks any thing would help,i dont want to take away from the charities either!jay i was going to have u install the sup,but he wanted his guy to & his guy wanted ned,not used!

what all was damaged? what kind of car?

02 Impala left sup(i got him new aready)left doors,my buddy doing the body work & got a rear door for $300,

need help putting suspension on? or is the guy being a pain and wants it done somewhere he knows? i can help your buddy out if necessary. let me know see if we can just knock it out and get it done and over with.

hee wanted his goy to put on sup & his guy wanted new,thats taking care of $350 dollars later!

Anything you I can help with let me know. I’m In cali till november 6th though.