Sovereign Citizens: A Clear and Present Danger why?

"Calling SWAT may seem like an overreaction to an expired or fake license plate. But the Washington officers were smart to do so.

They were dealing with members of an anti-government movement called “sovereign citizens.” Sovereigns believe that the government has no right to tax them, issue licenses, or do many of the other things that the average American citizen has accepted as the roles of government. They also believe that the only legitimate law enforcement officer is the elected sheriff."

so people that live off the land and refuse to accpet the policies of the officals are a know threat?


Where do I go to join them?

I like the sounds of these people

sounds like the way native American Indians are.

One day you will actually look into the issues further than the headline so I can stop doing it for you :facepalm

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) classifies “sovereign citizens” among domestic terror threats as anti-government extremists.

Convicted Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols was a member of the sovereign citizen movement, having asserted individual sovereignty in at least three court cases.

In May 2010, two police officers in West Memphis, Arkansas were shot and killed by Joseph T. Kane after Kane and his father were the subject of a traffic stop. Kane and his father were later identified as members of the sovereign citizen movement.

On August 16, 2012, two sheriff’s deputies were shot to death and two others seriously wounded after having been ambushed near LaPlace, Louisiana. Authorities arrested seven suspects, two of whom have been identified by law enforcement as members of a sovereign citizen’s group.

Etc etc

So yeah, bombing, killing cops, avoiding taxes, planning other murders of government officials and living off “the land”

If they really don’t like this country, they can get the fuck out and go to Mexico or Canada.

Vov, you’re taking a group of people and classifying them by a couple of nutjobs that were part. Some of these groups take it too far.

There are manuals handed to police stating and showing ways to spot “Domestic Terrorists”. I’ve seen them in the local Sheriff’s and State Trooper’s offices. These manuals include things like flags with only stars from the original 13 colonies, upside down American Flags (Nation in Distress), people who state their rights, etc.

I wanted to steal one, but this was years ago while working in those places. It basically states anyone who goes against the grain of the current populace is a “Domestic Terrorist”. I used to laugh at my woman’s parents, Alex Jones, and people like pitman. But there is no denying this country is headed in the wrong direction. And things just seem to keep happening that allows the noose to tighten on our freedoms.

If you want to get really into it before sounding paranoid, a lot of this in sparse amounts, coupled with the flow of information is simply conditioning.

I tend to argue that any populace, business, nation, etc, that gets large, gets corrupt and kills themselves and or their ideals off on their own out of pure nature. It’s a vicious cycle.

I hate how anytime someone questions what is in front of them, shown to them, etc, gets labeled as “crazy/paranoid”. Just release what you “know”, and think on your own.

I’m not as bad as some people, but I am in a spot in my thought process that there is no fixing this nation. I personally think the system needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt. Be it by bullet or ballot.

I could go on like this forever, but I think I went too far already.

I will say what I can see from pitman, is he doesn’t believe the mainstream media and questions them, but doesn’t question the non-mainstream stuff and takes it for what it is. They can both be disinformation. The only thing you can do is think for yourself.

Can pitman have his own conspiracy section?

I would frequent this.

Not going to lie, I probably would too lol

If I told you that I was a full blown member of the Jihad/Al Qaeda but I wasn’t taking it too far, that makes it fine? Group is judged by it’s members, just about always. If it doesn’t want to be judged by extreme members it shouldn’t have them or encourage them.

Stereotyping works.

It’s called leads. If I wanted to find a likely extremist out on this forum guess who would be the most likely suspect? The one guy who hates the government, is in fear of it, things are going to hell etc. If Pitman decided to bomb a place and investigation lead back to Shift518 and his posts here, people would back on it and go “Huh, we should have seen this coming”…

We are quite corrupt but hardly killing ourselves. People in power like to stay in power and with the financial disparity that’s taking place, they are not doing that bad.

There is no need to question what’s going on, just start by seeing things for what they are as it’s already right in front of your face. (See below) It’s nearly impossible to have a major corrupt secret overtaking plan going on. People question, people talk, people would have to be shut up and disappear etc. Conspiracies are silly because they fail to realize that this stuff isn’t secret. There is no reason for it to be. The stuff that actually goes on and is secret between a small staff of people doesn’t get read about on major blogs and random news articles. You don’t hear about it period.

Even as “broken” as it is, it’s still the best system out there. Many are just too spoiled to see it.


Here is what it all boils down to and I can’t stress this enough.

The whole “Government is trying to rule us/take us over yarr!!!” theory is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Why? Why the hell would they want to do it?

Think about it. Where does 90% of your money go? Into taxes and big business. You already exist in a structure where you dedicate most of your life to be in dept and give most of your money to government and business. Government by definition already got your votes and is taking your money. There is no OTHER AGENDA. They are done. They got exactly what they wanted. Your money and your vote, now they don’t care.

if all sovereign citizens are cop killers, then all americans are to.

Good post, Vlad is blind to this.


This… i fucking hate when people bitch about this country, especially foreigners…

Its a honor to live in this country. For example, My dad came over from italy when he was 18. He became a citizen and loves our country… You can tell with his american pride bumper stickers and other patriotic shit on his truck.

RANT= If canada is so much better, go the fuck back there… Sick of hearing how great canada is then you bitch when we kick you out of this country when your done with albany college of pharmacy…


It’s called leads. If I wanted to find a likely extremist out on this forum guess who would be the most likely suspect? The one guy who hates the government, is in fear of it, things are going to hell etc. If Pitman decided to bomb a place and investigation lead back to Shift518 and his posts here, people would back on it and go “Huh, we should have seen this coming”…

i dont like how you worded that at all. thats some weird ass typing there.

pitman will never decide to bomb anything. live is to valuable for that. i would rather change it with a pen and rewrite some things. but you can think of the mythical figure of pitman you have created in your head because of my posts.

try to make a better character next time if you want me to be happy.

if vlad decides to rape a women and do bad terriost things we should of seen it coming. hes all fucked up. i will blame his firends and family not shift