29% think armed revolution might soon be necessary

News link:

Actual poll:

Partisan divisions on gun control go deeper than the legislation being fought over in
Congress. Supporters and opponents of gun control have very different fundamental beliefs
about the role of guns in American society. Overall, the poll finds that 29 percent of
Americans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in
the next few years, with another five percent unsure. However, these beliefs are conditional
on party. Just 18 percent of Democrats think an armed revolution may be necessary, as
opposed to 44 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of independents.

Discuss. Try to keep it civil, could be an interesting distraction for a slow Friday here at work. :slight_smile:

It’ll never happen, at least not to the extent it happens overseas. I mean even France grew a pair over gay marriage


I wouldn’t say never happen. Right now several states have passed laws declaring any federal gun control regulations void in their states. Other states are making similar pushes when it comes to Obamacare, going so far as to make it’s implementation a criminal offense in the state.

With the left’s continued push for a federal assault weapons ban it’s not a stretch of the imagination to picture a near future where federal authorities go into these states that have refused to enforce any federal gun regulations with the intent to enforce the laws themselves.

For those of you that forgot history class, the Revolutionary War started in a pretty similar manner at Lexington and Concord.

The way back from this cliff is increased compromise and less partisan divide. Do any of you honestly see the bitter partisanship of the modern information age getting any better?

I’ve said this before.

At this point in the game, the only way to really change things in this country are a coup/civil war.

I think it would take the US going bankrupt like what happened over seas before anything would happen.

A lot of people depend on the government for food/money/housing if the government became unable to provide those things :tif:

Who knows though? When countries in Europe went belly up and people rioted there are far less gun owners there lol

I’d hate to be around if that happens.

Lmao, how surprising, a bunch of butt hurt gun nuts can finally rationalize what theyd ultimately really like to use their weapons for: shooting people.

We live in the center of the first world and people recognize that now; we dont have it that bad here. Were also the laziest generation ever and the only people who seem to protest and uprise are hippies with nothing better to do, not working republicans. I think itd be cool as hell to see a violent uprising but shit would have to get really bad here (economically, socially, etc) before this would ever happen. Id love to be proven wrong.

And ill reiterate that I am pro 2nd, I just think its hilarious how passionate gun owners are about their right, and how its impossible for them to even listen to the argument that our country really does have a gun problem.

^ Like most threads, pretty sure 99.9% of NYSpeed doesn’t care what you think. :slight_smile:


I will add, it’s rhetoric like this:

And how easily it is with modern social media to get it in front of a large audience that makes me think the partisan divide is just going to keep getting worse until there really is no way back but a revolution between the two sides.

Wouldnt expect anything less from the most butt hurt of all the butt hurt.

If you wanted this thread to consist of all the gun nuts sack riding your stance, you should have worded it differently. Sorry for offering an oppsing perspective (per usual) to interestingly distract you for a slow Friday here at work…

Take a look at Europe over the past year?

It’s got nothing to do with guns watch the economy and the number of people who depend on the government to survive in a model that can sustain its self…It’s exactly what happened in Europe.

Nailed it.

Lemme ask all the “OH NO GUNS ARE BAD!” people this.

What IF there is a revolution?

How anti-gun are you going to be then?

Yes exactly, thats why I said itd take something bigger than just the gun issue (economically, socially, etc).

Now this argument I will listen to.

Why start a thread if you’re not going to take into account other people’s/different points of view. Seems close minded, but what do I know.

In on 1.

I just facepalmed reading MOBOOST’s contribution. REALLY DUDE? you’d LIKE to see a violent uprising here? The country doesn’t have a GUN problem, we have a PEOPLE problem. Guns will ALWAYS be available illegally for those that intend to use them for illegal actions…gun laws and legislation will never touch the black market on guns…so all laws and legislation do is take guns out of the good guys’ hands and we’re left at the mercy of those illegally obtained guns because we’ll have made it essentially illegal to protect ourselves.

You also seem to fail to recall that the 2nd amendment was written as a means for the people to defent themselves against overbearing government (gee, guess what we have these days!)…the very people the 2nd amendment was written to protect us from are trying to infringe upon that very amendment…do you understand what that means? I wish I could think of a simple analogy to explain what this is like, but I can’t…becuase it should just be understood.

People seem to forget that the constitution, bill of rights, and the amendments were all written as a means to keep the government from becoming too big, in this country the collective society is supposed to have more power than the government. That is becomming less and less the case. As a society, we are letting FEAR cloud our judgements and giving away our rights becuase someone is promising us that giving them up will make us safe…which is horseshit. Anyone who truly beleives an organization as corrupt and self-mided as the government can really gaurantee their saftey should be admitted. No one is/should be responsable for your safety but your god damned self.

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” - Benjamin Franklin

More on-topic, I DO think one of two things will be happening in the future…either we will have a major uprising, or we will all submit to the governement…which will then be some crazy group of people that only let their friends into their club to further their own interests at the expense of the collective whole. And honestly, even if we have an uprising…the latter could happen in the aftermath anyway…they can just kill anyone against them with drones and shit. Then we’ll REALLY be a society living in fear…but instead of fearing outsiders, we’ll fear the very people that control us.

The only way to avoid those two posibilities is to actually come together as an informed society and VOTE the correct people into government positions. I’m sorry, but the days of democrats and republicans being the only two necessary parties are long behind us…both parties have become corrupt in their own way. We need a reset to the original values this government was run on. We need a new George Washington, a man interested only in the well-being of his citizens, not in foreign affairs and policing the world.

Edit: I would like to point out that I have never considered myself a gun person. I never payed much attention to gun debates, because I didn’t think it mattered. I don’t give a shit about having or shooting guns for fun/sport…but I CAN tell you, that the state of affairs we are in has piqued my interest in purchasing a few guns for protection of myself and my property.

You didn’t even make a complaint about social media being worthless wtf???

It’s not close minded when someone comes in and just says OMG you’re so butthurt, that’s not really a point of view. If someone comes in with some intelligent thoughts or arguments then we can talk.

---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------


Nailed it.

And… How many people have an exit strategy to GTFO of this country once the shit starts really hitting the fan?

Lmao this is the EXACT thing im talking about… you guys ride these generalized blanket statements like saying its a people problem, and to an extent… I AGREE, IT IS. EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD HAS PEOPLE PROBLEMS BUT THEIRS DONT INVOLVE PIECES OF METAL THAT ARE DESIGNED TO KILL. But you shouldnt need to look further than one simple statistic to understand that it is a fucking problem… A LOT MORE PEOPLE HERE DIE FROM GUNS THAN OTHER PARTS OF WORLD (especially the civilized first world). Whats the solution? I dont know, whats right? I dont know, do I want a gun in my hands when some thug breaks in my house? yes. But its still a problem and youre the exact person im talking about if you dont recognize that.

And I challenge one person to acknowledge that and argue it with reason, rather than just defer to the easier path and attack me.