Sovereign Citizens: A Clear and Present Danger why?

If I told you that I was a full blown member of the Jihad/Al Qaeda but I wasn’t taking it too far, that makes it fine? Group is judged by it’s members, just about always. If it doesn’t want to be judged by extreme members it shouldn’t have them or encourage them.

Stereotyping works.

It’s called leads. If I wanted to find a likely extremist out on this forum guess who would be the most likely suspect? The one guy who hates the government, is in fear of it, things are going to hell etc. If Pitman decided to bomb a place and investigation lead back to Shift518 and his posts here, people would back on it and go “Huh, we should have seen this coming”…

We are quite corrupt but hardly killing ourselves. People in power like to stay in power and with the financial disparity that’s taking place, they are not doing that bad.

There is no need to question what’s going on, just start by seeing things for what they are as it’s already right in front of your face. (See below) It’s nearly impossible to have a major corrupt secret overtaking plan going on. People question, people talk, people would have to be shut up and disappear etc. Conspiracies are silly because they fail to realize that this stuff isn’t secret. There is no reason for it to be. The stuff that actually goes on and is secret between a small staff of people doesn’t get read about on major blogs and random news articles. You don’t hear about it period.

Even as “broken” as it is, it’s still the best system out there. Many are just too spoiled to see it.


Here is what it all boils down to and I can’t stress this enough.

The whole “Government is trying to rule us/take us over yarr!!!” theory is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Why? Why the hell would they want to do it?

Think about it. Where does 90% of your money go? Into taxes and big business. You already exist in a structure where you dedicate most of your life to be in dept and give most of your money to government and business. Government by definition already got your votes and is taking your money. There is no OTHER AGENDA. They are done. They got exactly what they wanted. Your money and your vote, now they don’t care.