Sovereign Citizens: A Clear and Present Danger why?

One day you will actually look into the issues further than the headline so I can stop doing it for you :facepalm

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) classifies “sovereign citizens” among domestic terror threats as anti-government extremists.

Convicted Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols was a member of the sovereign citizen movement, having asserted individual sovereignty in at least three court cases.

In May 2010, two police officers in West Memphis, Arkansas were shot and killed by Joseph T. Kane after Kane and his father were the subject of a traffic stop. Kane and his father were later identified as members of the sovereign citizen movement.

On August 16, 2012, two sheriff’s deputies were shot to death and two others seriously wounded after having been ambushed near LaPlace, Louisiana. Authorities arrested seven suspects, two of whom have been identified by law enforcement as members of a sovereign citizen’s group.

Etc etc

So yeah, bombing, killing cops, avoiding taxes, planning other murders of government officials and living off “the land”

If they really don’t like this country, they can get the fuck out and go to Mexico or Canada.