Ummm…I know what they do to animals in the meat packing places…frankly, I don’t care. I love meat, an I will continue to do so until I die. I think its all bullshit. People are omnivores, we eat both plants and animals. People don’t bitch when they see a lion take down a zebra, or when a wolf kills a rabbit…they don’t say “hey those animals are suffering and its wrong to eat meat”…i just laugh at it all…especially PITA, those whacks are the worst. We have forward facing eyes and incisors…were predators.
This analogy is stupid. Lions aren’t raising little zebras only to eat.
However, don’t take this as though I think Vegans are god’s gift to animal rights. The majority wouldn’t think about lifting a shovel full of shit in a shelter to help out innocent animals in need. That’s far too much work.
i eat them because they taste good. i think they are presented as “fake hamburgers” in order to get people who are on the fence about it. I would eat them regardless of what they were “supposed to be”. However, the idea of a patty is just convenient. As are the fake deli slices. It just works well.
but i also eat cubed tofu sandwhiches, which taste just as good, they just look bizarre.
Also, the boca brand fake spicy chicken patties are awesome. I used to eat them before i was vegetarian. So good.