Spam & Help Wanted Section

Wow, this is really becoming a problem!

The Help Wanted section seems to be plagued with random usernames trying to advertise their garbage…bumping threads and all. Wonder why it seems to only be in that section.

Can anything be done about this, and/or is it being looked into?

yeah come on delete this shit, and these fucking idiots

I deleted it all manually last time and it was a giant pain in my ass. So I’m waiting for G to pull out some SQL magic so I don’t have to.

The problem is being worked on, don’t worry.

I’m pretty sure the forum is allowing anonymous posting, ie these morons don’t have to register to post… not sure why that option would be turned on :roll:

Haha, don’t let Gonad hear you say that. His head might explode.

fyi: these are bots, not people. they do, however, make people money. annoying as hell, i’m also wondering why anon posting is enabled. bad idea G.

There’s no option in the phpBB configuration to disable Guest posting.

My head will explode if I have to explain any further.

I updated the board a couple days ago. We should see less SPAM user
accounts. The rest I will clean up.

There is an option to disable guest posting.

It is set using the forum permissions in the Admin panel.

I disabled guest posting for that section. It wasn’t turned off like it is for all
the other sections…

ok we are getting bombed at the moment with those retarted things

why can non memebers still post?

come one, someone stop non memebers from posting in the FAQ section, they are messing everything up

It already has permission on “REGISTERED USERS” :run:

I’ll have to delete the users to prevent this.

This is driving me nuts.

there is a code or something being used because i deleated MANY of the posts and almost imidatly there were 10 more



that is messed,

alright we need some Computer Geeks that are not Admin to also make some suggestions about how to kill these bots, it is going to ruin the board soon

Hey, Benson. You aren’t callnig our Mods/Admins geeks, are you?


i’m sure gonad can handle it. :ugh2: :noes:

I’m a computer geek by trade. :dunno:

I’m already doing shit on the back end to clean up the junk.

Hahahaha YAY Gonad, you da man

It appears there is some hole in the code that allows non registered users
to post.

I bet there isn’t one in vBulletin.