Full of lurkers

I was bored so i was taking a look @ the current memberlist.

302 members have 0 posts
818 members have under 10 posts

thats alot of lurkers/inactive members eh

People just join and dont introduce themselves, or just join and post once trying to sell things like parachutes.

our memebership was about 250 people just over a year ago after DX1…

meaning that the size of our club had quintupled in a year…

Thats quite the increase. Unfortunatly only a minority of the userlist actually participates in the forums.

Tally up the # of members that have actually paid in 2004 and 2005.

I say delete all users with under 10 posts as of January er something. Make an announcement and follow through with it after a week. Its rediculus to keep it anyways.



i second this motion


That isn’t the best idea guys, some of them may have just joined.

If anything delete accounts that have been inactive for a set number of months that have under “x” posts.

i agree with phil.

I think the most effective way to take care of this is to set a purga that will automatically delete any innactive accounts after 3 months.

having nothing to do with the ammount of posts (to prevent whoring)


This is a great idea!

I motion this to be done. And as for my previous motion Phil, then set a date before which all less then 10 post accounts will be deleted. Lets say as of september 1st er something. Then make this purga that Andre is recmmending.

As ussual my help is always offered.


Just make a sticky in chat about it.

Pretty much, anyone thats been inactive for 3mths with 10 posts or less is deleted.


I think that would be the best thing to do.

discussed and decided.

thanks for any input