Tired of PORn this ad that

I say we need to make a rule, new forum members can’t post for 24 hrs. maybe it wil get rid of all these porn hackers and viagra ads that keep poping up. (no pun intended.

end rant:banghead:


Sorry guys, haven’t been online in a few days and look what happens. I usually delete 3-4 of these fackers a day. I’ve been trying to keep up with them, but sometimes they get by.

We can’t change anything anymore. The site has been handed back to the OG, founder of NECC. He requested it so you will have to talk to him to get this changed.

When did this happen? Are we no longer BOD members?


Come on now, if you couldn’t have put 2 and 2 together by now…just look at the activity of the site and that will give you an indication of what state this club is at. Where’s Ryan? Where’s Steve? Hell where is everyone else??? It would be safe to assume that this club and site are done.

We no longer have control over the site. All of that was given back to Aaron by his request. So Ryan did so. And without a site, there is no club.

Frankly, I am somewhat glad. We, the current BoD, tried our damnedest to keep it alive but it wasn’t working. I think its time for a new club or something. I would be willing to host a new nissan forum through my web server if there was interest or help out in other ways to get something new going.

I don’t want to part ways and tell you all to go fuck yourselves LOL. I enjoyed hanging out with you guys in the summer. It was good times and we had some great cruises. I vote to start something new. There are parties to have and plenty of streets, events and tracks to cruise on. Summer is meant for cruising with friends.

Ok, sounds good. I wasn’t aware of what had taken place. Have fun with the spammers! I would also like to get together again this summer for some cruises or bbq’s, let’s all stay in touch.