2000 Members (currently)

Wow, that’s a lot. So how many are actually active?

not me

Half? :lol

im gonna say 1/4 if that

werent we just talking about this last night? haha

Yeah. And I was saying half with extreme sarcasm. Probably around a hundred is a generous guess. We do have alot of lurkers though.

Yes on lots of lurkers.

Yea the same 50 members post on a daily basis

Thanks Vlad.

Dont you have some shit to run into?

im gonna run into your shit if you dont pipe down

Thats odd

I think its 100 or so.

I are an active member of this wonderful place.

All memebers that aren’t active in the last month should be deleted from the forum. Why waste the space?

i still check in from time to time…

There are a few hundred of frequent/active members on our boards and a similar number of lurkers.

Since those few hundred active members contain every core member of the auto community locally, we have essentially everybody on board.

There is lots of potential for us to thrive as auto enthusiasts in the area, and I try to do my small part but in the end it’s all up to the motivation of individual members.

hour boards? really Vlad? hour?