Speculating about the Subaru Suspense

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it wont load…its taking forever


maybe it was the wrong time zone. lol.

lol, it finally went. its slow as mollasses tho


i beg to differ…


past sleeper status, there’s nothing hot about it at all.

and what a disappointment. i read about all this shit in motor trend a week ago.

Aw hell. We already knew about that. Worst. Secret. Ever.

P.S. that car is already starting to grow on me.

its taking forEVA!

WTF?!?! No brat!! gayness

i love the pixel shift on the front end, GOOD JOB SUBARU MARKETING!

i almost like this:


Too bad they started making it 4 years ago:

their webserver isnt doing so well right now

its really not terrible looking. just needs an aftermarket grill. im curious to see what the aftermarket scene will do with it

seriously though. mazda 3 hatch what?

yeah, im not gonna complain until i see what the STi version will look like, because honestly its the only one i will give a crap about cause its the only one i would actually buy. if im going to buy one i may as well buy the best one ya know?

but i will agree with newman, the current imprezza/wrx pictured looks like a mazda3 hatch and a kiea spectra5 hatch had a bastard love child

the interior is halfway decent

Hatches dont sell in north america

I sure as hell dont see many of those mazda 3s on the road

Guess it wasnt really made for us

Its ugly

i think a different front bumper and a grille would make an incredible difference to be honest. the rest of the car i love.


I sure as hell dont see many of those mazda 3s on the road


Really? I see them all the time.

I think hatches are growing in popularity. Not nearly as much as in Europe, but it seems like every auto maker is coming out with one. It seems inevitable that people will start going for them.

I am a big fan of hatches.


Really? I see them all the time.

I think hatches are growing in popularity. Not nearly as much as in Europe, but it seems like every auto maker is coming out with one. It seems inevitable that people will start going for them.

I am a big fan of hatches.


I agree, i see the focus zx3 everywhere, the masda 3 hatch the malibu hatch. It seems to be growing on people. I just wish subaru would come up with one of their own and leave the impreza alone or at least make it balls out fast. I guess mitsubishi wins again.