speed channel petition..

i like the show "Unique whips’’ so i did not sign! lol



“SpeedTV (formerly Speedvision) petition to increase broadcast of non-NASCAR related programming (WRC, F1, Motorcylce)”

If they wanted speedtv to even try to take them seriously the could have ran a spellchecker through the title of the damn petition

signed anyways

Signed but probably won’t change anything.


i like nascar too…i just dont like how they flood the shit outta it on that channel. maybe switch it up to some nascar mods…

:lol: I don’t have cable or anything so I don’t really watch the channel. But, when I did even I thought there was too much NASCAR on it… :jawdrop:

EDIT: and a big fuck you to the person who said I have poor taste in cars. :tup: :wink:

NASCAR blows, but I woulkd rather watch it than rallying.

Can’t understand why, but whatever. Voted.
