speed channel petition..

Sorry if this is a repost. Saw this on another board. I am sure this petition wont work, but its worth a shot.


signed lol

signed: Nascar blows

SIGNED. 10,1013 signatures total.


  1. Nascar = Washing machine

^ lol

  1. :slight_smile:


no more left turns!

Sigined… I like nascar, but I also wish that they showed more things… otherwise it should be called NascarTV not Speed. But sorry folks… Nascar is the most popular form of auto-racing in the United States… so that means more watchers if they put nascar on… therefore more $$ from advertisers.


10185 not that its gonna do anything.

The problem is not NASCAR. The NASCAR programming, for the most part is o.k. (the stuff that is the CURRENT season).

Right now is the NASCAR off season and look at the shit they have on, a 14 hour block of Barret Jackson, all the Lost Drive in crap, stuff from 2004 NASCAR races, Unique Whips, Texas Hardtails…

I could watch Victory by Design, Legends of Motorsports, Dream Car Garage, Sports Car Revolution all the time. But all the shit is on at 7 am. They have Brritish Touring car and German Touring on at f—ing noon during the week and bobsleeding in the weekends ?

no doubt. i get up on sunday just for legends.

the bobsleeding thing thows me for a curve… its so out of place.

Bobsledding>nascar poker


i put in comments to bring back Top Gear

Speed had fifth gear, discovery had top gear. Similiar shows but i feel your pain. Not too long ago i wrote discovery and they wrote back saying they intend to bring top gear back but they just didnt have a slot to put it in.

She may have poor taste in cars and sports entertainment, but she does stick to her guns.



Exactly. If they got rid of all their bs programing they would have tons of room to show racing stuff. Thank god for tivo