Spinoff of the "interesting job offer" thread...

ok, well seeing there are a lot of “i’d do that” around…

Little survey here…

Who’s done the following? (Feel free to add more comments/do-its?)

  1. Run the Dirt Road
  2. Taken Pictures
  3. Done it on Video
  4. Done it for more than 4 hours
  5. “Unloaded” on someones face
  6. Rimmer or Rimie
  7. More than one partner at once
  8. Faked an “o” face
  9. Done it with people watching

That’s all i can think of that’s “porn-starish” at the moment…

Myself - 6/9 with that list…

8/9 :frowning: never had a three some yet sigh

i feel dirty now

1 through 6 for me…


I’ll add a few later to the list.

There’s this thing called a poll…

Fuck. Nope to em all. Guess I’m a n00b.

1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9


There’s this thing called a poll…


yea, but how do you make it multiple choice??

I got everything but 7 and 9. Some day…


yea, but how do you make it multiple choice??


^ n00b

never done number seven kinda


Dawns a whore :slight_smile:

all but 6…not a big salad shooter


yea, but how do you make it multiple choice??


Under misc options check Allow multiple choices :ham:

You’re welcome, pornstarts vote now.

options 1-9 applicable

Just #5, remember that jam?

christ. i’ve done everyone but do it for more than 4 hours. eff that noise. I get bored.

1-5 + 7-9 FTW