Did everyone forget how to drive in snow???

Good to hear. If you can ride your MX track, you should be able to ride anywhere. I ended up deciding to keep my CR. I want to give it another try next season.

Where do you ride from in Hagaman. I was looking at the map and it looks if you take off from the corner of Truax/67. You have to ride all the way out towards 147 then it cuts back through Galway and up. Looks like a long ride. My neighbor joined the trail system last year I think. He parks at the West Charlton Church and rides up. Says it takes 35-45mins to be at the lake which isn’t to bad. I looked for trails all over this summer in my area. There just aren’t any good ways from my driveway up to the offical trails. So as crappy as this is. I have to trailer up to somewhere to get on. I know of a few people that live by the trail and one has the trail go through there yard. But it’s nearer to Truax Rd. I mean, at one point, the trail is only about 2 miles away from my house.