i designed these jerseys and also am sponsoring the team as well, got my 2 joints on the sleeve !
thats awesome dude!
where is the team playing and what league?
sportsplex for the indoor sessions, Mens A and B
in summer for BDSL
They look like, Jerseys. Good job!!
good stuff
C’mon man you’re not going to show the other sleeve???
Looks nice Micah
lol dont have pix of that yet, in due TIME i will though
Im on division 2 ns alliance.You are already got a team formed and sponsered for summer? We are top of the league
LOL k. When They came in to the pizzeria and I saw the micahweber I started laughing.Then had to explain to the guy why I was. Dude comes in about 4 times a week to.
haha that is great
yea same team for summer, Tona United