Sportbike Got 3K to work with

Anybody have anything they want to let go for around 3k? Looking to stay 600 and up and hopefully 2000+ or newer.

Really would like an 01 R6 or F4i in good shape.

Got the cash right now in hand - would love to make a deal.

Lemme know.

my friend is selling his r6, idk the year of it, ill ask
i think he wanted 3300 obo

Alright, let me know!

i have a honda for sale, but its a 1000r, only looking fir 2k tho and its mint. pm me if interested

pics of the 1000 steve? PM me them

^ will do sir

PM’d, but forgot to mention also that my buddy has I think an 01 Ninja ZX6-R for $3700. Let me know if that’s of interest to you.

i guess he sold the bike yesterday lol, sorry good luck with your search

PM’d !!

pm returned

Thanks, sweet bike but a little too old for my tastes! Good luck with your sale though!

Anybody esle got anything out there?


Found an 04 R6 in excellent condition for 3500
