WTB: Sportbike $4500

Like it says. Looking for an F4i or R6. If you find any good deals, let me know! Thanks

spend a bit more and get a gorgeous/perfect 600rr thats posted on here… ieatpaint’s bike

there was an f4i on WNYSR for 4500 it sold within a week

i kno its not a F4i or an R6 but my buddy selling his 01 600 gsx-r

he went to look at that f4i, sold to the guy that went to see it after him. ill keep my eye open, you really should open your options up than just an f4i and an r6 though.

the only other bike he should consider is a ninja. The gsxr in that price range is hideous imo. your best bet is an f4i, i’m not sure if you can get a fuel injected r6 for 4500 thats clean…


i got my eye on this auction for the time being.

omg buy the 636 posted

pm shrives his buddy has a 2000(i think) r6 for sale for around that price it looks like this



for 5500 you can have a perfect 2002 r1 that looks like this

i dont think he wants an r1, its his first bike and i wouldnt really suggest that for him. not saying hes a bad rider, but just inexperienced.

I’m trying to sell my 2005 Kawasaki ZZR600 (ninja). Dark blue, 4500 miles. $5000 firm.

An R1 has only as much throttle/power as you give it. Remember that with any bike or car.

PM sent.

I have exactly what you need :wink:

i have a 1998 CBR 600F3 i might want to sell. PM me if interested. it is, of course, way less than your asking price.

Sellin that shit already huh…I wouldnt mind having that.

im probably a terrible rider…lol

never been on one before man! But thanks for trying to protect my precious ego.

try r6messagenet.com i bought an 02 r6 for $4500 2 summers ago from PA and he delivered it himself, bike was flawless. Most bikes are reasonably priced on the forum, you should have no problem finding an 03 or 04 for close to 4500. most everyone here will tell you you wont find anything for that price but i did, gl