sports memorabilia appraisal

Anyone know of any place local that does this. My father has a TON of signed memorabilia he’s trying to unload. Thanks

I looked a while ago as well and never found anything.

I have a Giants football covered in signatures from years ago (I believe it was the season Manning won his first SB) that I got signed when I worked at the Giants training camp that year.

Let me call a buddy who is an expert in signatures, and he’ll come down and take a look at it. I’m going to have a tough time selling it because its all of the signatures, not many people come in looking for all of them and I can’t really split them up. I could give you more if it was one signature.


Have you guys a sports store? Isn’t there a memorbilia store in Crossgates? Maybe they know of some place you can take it to.

capital cash for gold.

Ask for Dave, great guy.

I can help with this…PM me

I’ve been there before to get rid of tv’s but i’m not sure sports memorabilia is his thing.

its not reaallyy, but what do you have? I assume your father has certs of authenticity for the things he has signatures for? if i cant help you I know the people who can.

No he doesnt have certs of authenticity for most of it but he has alot more than just signatures of shit. Has sheets of uncut cards with nothing but hall of famers on them, shit from the subway series world series, just to much to list. has about 5 plastic tubs of signed photos

the absolute first thing he HAS to do is find a reputable company to send all of his signed items and get them authenticated, its real cheap, like $15 an item… they will then send you your shit back along with a peice of paper authenticating the signatures… I do believe they also suggest a retail value for the items… you can usually realistically get about 1/4 there suggested value… hope that helps

Let me know. I don’t have a cert or anything (would preferably want someone to look at it who could direct me to a place to get it certified).

And I called that store (and a few others in the area as well as one in NYC). The one in NYC told me I was looking at a value of like $500 because I called right after they won last years SB. But that was assuming I could get it certified.