Squid Picture Reference Thread.

WHOA !!!


not gonna lie… if i saw someone do that i’d def try to get 'em on shift and shake their hand.

lol. truth be told…

me too.

ya thats just awesome ahaha , stupid, but awesome

most people could do that bikes hold themselves up at that speed. hes just about to cause an accident.

well yea but still, leaning back like that, in INDIA traffic… your fuckin nuts, watch the video again and watch how many times the guy holding the camera gets cut off, u do that in america you get honked and screamed at, he doesnt even notice because its so normal


hmmmm this is a rare species of squid :slight_smile:

hahah but its totally acceptable.



Squids ::slight_smile:



But the best kind.

verrrry nice squid ! HOW MUCH!?

more than you can afford PAL

haha you can talk !

And he repeatedly called on Blagojevich to quit after the governor’s Dec. 9 arrest on federal corruption charges, including allegations that he tried to sell off President Barack Obama’s vacant U.S. Senate seat.Last year in a radio interview, Blagojevich said Quinn was not even part of the administration.The two men were more cordial in 2002 when they took over for GOP Gov. George Ryan, who is now serving a prison sentence for corruption. Both Democrats cast themselves as fix-it men.“This election is a mandate for reform from top to bottom,” Quinn said on election night in 2002. “We are going to replace a government of deals with a government of ideals.”___________led lampled strahlerled lampenFFXI Gilmr16 led


This deserves it’s own spot.




Just cause it has the logo of a gear company, doesn’t make it protective :ponder

Guy with a deathwish