SR Dunes pics July 10

eh, me and bics went up to the dunes after work yesterday and messed around…heres a few pics…nothing great but here they r anyways…

Nice pics :cool:

where is that place at i want to ride there looks like some fun jumps

its like 2 mins off of the I79 exit…right by that DairyQueen. its a fun place, but i’d like it better if it had some harder jumps…everything there is cake. pm me if u want to go, i’ll roll up there w/ u.

exit 105 I believe…Down the road and on the left? it’s been awhile since I’ve been up there.

as soon as i get my vw back on the road, i’ll make a trip down

just go left when u get off the exit on 79…then once u pass Dairy Queen there is a sign on your left but it is a arrow pointing to a road on your right…then just turn there and go back

Eurodad, its a good place to warm up and shake the rust off…come up there first and then the time after we’ll go somewhere better

those look like whoops, not jumps. :dunno:

the first pic is basically just a kicker in the middle of a straight away to throw your timing of…its not that cool…the 2 jumping pics r a step down that is pretty easy for a decent rider, but its fun…but regardless noone claimed the place to have 90ft gaps…its just a fun place to go and mess around on.