Sr20 Problems...

K, so i’m having some major sr20 issues here, and would like to get it fixed asap. If anyone can help I would be greatly appreciated.

K so about 2 weeks ago, my boost controller started acting fishy, dropping boost…
Ive got a Greddy PRofec B Spec 2, was running 10.5psi, but won’t go over 7 anymore.

My second problem was receiving some bogging issues at around 5.5-6.5k rpm if I let off the gas too quickly, thought it might be a spark plug problem…but theyre all ok.

THEN just 2 days ago…the car stopped driving basically, wouldnt boost, and won’t go over 3.5krpm without bogging and almost stalling out.

So now I’m caught in quiet a pickle here…Its going for a leakdown test tomorrow, I hope its not the headgasket. I checked all IC and vaccuum lines…no leaks that I can see by eye.

But I’ve also noticed some oil coming out of my Bov…so I took the Ic piping off, and theres quiet a bit in the hotpipe coming off the turbo (blown turbo maybe? we can only hope)

So NOW I’m stuck in this huge problem, because I need to get this thing fixed. I checked the maf, seems ok. My other option is going big turbo and fmic, but i dont want to buy both and have some small problem that could have been fixed for 5 bucks. If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know, I’m desperate here :frowning: Thanks.

i’ve disconnected my spec2 before by accident. and it doesnt hold your settings and it was doing wierd things, restarted it and put in my setting again.

it runs only till seven on Hi and Lo setting?

I only used my low setting, my hi setting i never bothered adjusting, i just ran one setting daily.

i might sound like a broken record, but it sounds like a massive boost leak… do you notice you’re backfiring alot too?

just a thought

won’t even get high enough to backfire, ive checked all the piping, the only other option would be a massive rock or something went into my core and put a gouge in it?

Sounds like it might be the turbo, oil in the hotpipe is never a good thing.

I’m hoping its just the turbo, because theres only one way from stock - up :smiley:

^^ haha tru