Sr20det Timing, and a few other questions

Alright, So I’ve been monkeying around with my timing to try get rid of a small misfire i get between 2-3000 rpm’s with just cruising throttle added, My boost gauge reads zero vac, and zero boost, just sits at zero. during WOT when the boost builds the car runs and picks up perfectly. Driving to work is getting really fucking annoying not being able to maintain a speed limit without bogging.

Now, When timing the car do i have to jump something to get a base time? Right now the timing is set to 15 degrees advanced with the TPS plugged in. Still getting a horrible idle, and the misfire between said rpm’s.
Can someone fill me in on a proper way to time the sr20det, and the factory specs?

I’m also thinking the idle could be something to do with a bubble in the coolant system, possibly mucking with the coolant temp sensor? Possibly a bleed is needed?

If it helps, the car has a tubular manifold, 3.5 inch exhaust and intake. also its using a blacktop s13 sr20 ecu and the engine is a red top. Running stock boost.

Any input would be great.


Also, its three am, if any of this shit doesn’t make sense, I apologize in advance.

I know exactly what you mean just cruising keep same speed and around 3k rpm ur engine bogs like missing air or something but when accelerating there’s no problems. That was happening to me and s13 black top and i was running the coresponding black top ecu but for shits and giggles i put in my older 1991 redtop ecu and then problem disapeared. Sorry i can’t really help you fix ur problem but if possible try running some of ur buddies ecu see if the problem goes away.

Best of luck,

if timing is set to 15 degrees advanced and the chain hasnt skipped a tooth. you can check by turning the crank to tdc open your oil cap and see if your intake cam is pointing to the right side of the car, which would be your left if your working on the engine from the front. ne ways check that, and i assume you know how to turn the cas to adjust the timing advanced or retarded and wat marks to read off the pin and the crank pulley? but it all sounds good… check you spark plugs, if you say your car is misfiring… its most likely a spark plug be it dirty or wrong gap… if its not that check to see if your coils are sparking… hope that helps

Well, it turns out that a plug i made for one of the recirc pipes had popped out just about the time i started retiming the car, popped a new plug back in. and viola, perfect running engine. Goddamn boost leaks.

Thanks for the help boys.

HAHA when i think about it i went to home depot and i stole i thread cap from a pipe (you can’t even buy thread cap lol) and i put a new one on my recirc hole and i also switched ecu’s so its prbly not the ecu that fixed the problem but the new cap i put on which makes a million times more sense lol.

god dam man i am having this problem as we speak as well, with my s14 sr20det

Go there, make that, and check for a boost leak, throw it on the intake side of your turbo, pressureise. and you should hear any leaks, if you have.