SRS BZNS needs you!! New Shirt design for fall of Sideways w/ Sophistication

Yeah today was supposed to be the deadline for ordering but looking at my paypal account i see not a single person has ordered.

I’ll extend this to next friday before i place the order. That is friday the 23rd.
If I do not recieve payment for 10 shirts and 10 hoodies I’M NOT PLACING AN ORDER

I wasnt aware we were supposed to be sending payment already

OK just incase there has been a misunderstanding I don not have these in an inventory. I am not making more than a dollar or two off each shirt. I am waiting for paymetns to me to use that money to get the shirts made. So your payment literally buys you a shirt. So next friday i put all the payments together and call the printer and place my order and pay them with the money you guys give me. They then make the shirts and send them to me. I then get them to you

That much was understood, I just didn’t know you were receiving payment already.

I didn’t want to be annoying and keep bumping this thread and shitbut looks like that may be required

I have recieve 3 payments in the last day or so

ill send a payment later today srs

^ Made it to school quick… hmmmm

payment sent

Updated first post with sizing and payments recieved. Thanks guys

lollerskates, no traffic, i swear!


Make a hoody with the 180 pic on the back.

^ This color (charcoal/dark grey) > Light grey


Only have tree orders deadline is friday if this is going to happen

if nicks dumb ass called be back like he said he would friday u woulda had mine also

cmon guyths order some shit! i want a baller ass hoodie

Bump need at least 7 more hoody orders for this to happen tomorrow

Can you add one with an e-brake? I like to go sidewayz in my Civic after shopping at price chopper.


refunded members who did make payment. Don’t feel like dicking around with this again.


i tell you what ron. let’s do this on slideny and we’ll do a new DH shirt also. i’ll front up some money to get this going if need be. all of our drift hustle guys will put up money when you need it so don’t worry about people backing out. let’s make shit happen. all the DH guys alone will fill this order for you. pm me on slide and we can meet up when sam get’s back and get this ball rolling. for srs!