SRS BZNS' words for women to live by V3.0

get to work ladies

who do you think is actually going to read all that? :rofl

N!cole will.

She read my hand job article thing and loved it.

:eek3 :ponder

dude all i want to know is


holly shit man thnats like the perfect girl

ill read it later. lol

dude i’m only posting in here in the hopes that wifey reads above post.


Print it out and post it on the refrigerator or on the vanity she does her make up in

holy fak.

Great post.

Would NOT read again :lol

forwarded to appropriate parties :ninja

Not reading all that garbage, but I’m the man.

At sucking dick? Good to know, I suppose.

I cant believe I just read all that



Damn you Ron.

I did read the whole thing, and I have to say I’m not as impressed as I was last time.
She makes some valid points, but I know there would be no way in hell I’m giving up my secrets. I think she’s holding back the juicy parts.

what secrets are THOSE?

Technique secrets!

are you goin to make a write up too? :excited
