Srt8 Vs blazer

:rofl: :rofl:
Explain that to the insurance adjuster

Beech Ridge Motor Speedway Scarborough, Maine

wow, that guy had better start duckin cause the bullets would be a flyin

Wow that sucks. I can’t believe the blazer just kept going.


What sort of idiot races a SRT8 at a track like that though? What a moron.

this one is even better!

WTF lmao

:rofl: almost looks like worth trip to check out these events


The second vid is great.

:rofl: agreed. The second video is hilarious.

I be leave the blazer driver didnt know the srt8 was there,he was watching the flagman!

wow. 40k jeep owned by blazer. I would of shot blazer owner.

WTF just happened??? where in the world is this redneck event?


Big Joe must have been driving:)

Nuke the entire area from space. WTF was that gabage?

Well, I can honestly say that little event would land me in jail if I was the owner of the Jeep, because the driver of the Blazer wouldn’t make it home.