SSC ultimate Aero


indeed you did design those…probably the best caliper we have there in my opinion


Could have done better if my hands werent tied. I am working on some individual pad per piston variations that will make those look like shit. Had to use those shitty 3/4 and 1 ton pads with junkbox backplate designs. The 8 piston, which is huge, has a maximum piston size of 1.5625"x4 for 7.66in^2 total piston area. By doing an individual pad per piston design I can get the max piston size up to 1.75". 1.75"x3 for 7.21in^2. So basically I can get 95% of the piston area in a 6 piston caliper body which is almost the exact same external dimensions of a stoptech st-40 of which that amount of piston area is just rediculously unusable in a car application. This means wherever a st-40 fits you can throw my 6 piston in and have more stopping power that stoptech st-60. All of the high end race cars are doing it to awesome effect. With a individual pad per piston design you dont have taper wear problems and multple leading edges that increase feel along with fact you get better cooling of the friction material. You lose about 5 percent pad area but the cooling makes up for it. So basically I am designing a 6 and 4 piston individual pad per piston caliper family that is very similar in design to the v4,6,8 series . Neat thing is I am also working on a piggy back rear parking brake setup that will allow me to hydrauliclly deactivate a cross set of pistons in the rear calipers so you throw away shitbox parking brake rotor/drums. So if you use 4-6 piston calipers the rear ones have 4 hydraulic pistons and 2 mechanical pistons. Super clean setup because all the calipers will look the same. If you use a set of 4 piston calipers then the back two calipers will have 2 hydraulic pistons and 2 mechanical pistons. I have been super busy but I hope to have them at SEMA next year for the fun of it. First cars they go on are going to be Evo’s and STI’s. Still cant believe SSBC outwardly refuses to sell to imports. This is all just doodling on the side for now but as soon as I get settled in my job I can get going on it. Also looking at doing a water cooled caliper option too. Just depends on if I do them billet or cast them. Tell Bub I said whats up and that I graduated.