SSmokinn vs Mclaren Vs SSlomarro

Yea and 75% of the races you see video taped on youtube/streetfire are roll races.

Hence the reason why I don’t race much . Noone dig,s anymore

Ill do a dig with ya in a couple weeks bud, before the time cars go away.

Mine goes away after l.g man

Mine will be stock, but I’ll run you on motor NICKCHARGER.

so all this rematch is for is to see if gp hang hang with a bolt on/ cam ls1?.. wtf??

apparently he still thinks he can.

video and witness’s say prove otherwise.


if I say its a Nitrous cam, ITS A NITROUS CAM! WHORE!

All no2 cam is a cam that has a longer exhaust duration lol . Not all that diff than a non no2 cam . Oh and the l.s.a is a little wider

i love u

Yea, wider… as in not 111LSA. It’s all relative though, most LS1 grinds bigger than 224* are standard split due to the high intake flow on LS heads.

Either way, it’s a great cam. I think it’s time for a FAST92/92 and some ARP rod bolts to let it really shine, DREW!

can I do the rod bolts by dropping the oil pan?

I need heads to. Thinking prc 2.5’s this winter.

Pull motor man , so much easier

Drop the K member and oil pan. You should flycut the pistons while the heads are off. I would do TFS 215cc heads if I was going to get new ones.

He don’t have he alignment plates for the pan lol , he don’t use that he is gonna have oil leaks . Pull motor and do it the right way not the backyard way . Yes ya can do it that way but why if he has the right option a phone call away . I wanna see em get the car where it should be so I intend to help alll the way . Seeing as I’m only doin front susp and cage this winter as I can’t afford new motor this winter unless someone buys my lower end .

I have some thinking to do.

The only thing I have figured out for the winter is, it will be a forged build. The cubes and block im still working on.

rematch friday night???

cant… have to work in glens falls unfortunatley smokinss’