SSR vs Neon Crew

I cant figure out who entertains me more, Syracuse Street Racers or the Baby Blue Neon Crew. How about you?

I vote BBN, but that is simply because I wasn’t following the SSR all that much.

^^ same.

sSR.That one pic that was posted was just to funny.

Your standard for entertainment sucks. :slight_smile:


neon boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis


I like some good old fashioned NYSpeed drama in the Kill Stories.

Both made me extremely happy. Voted BBN because I’m still laughing at them now.

SSR for the mid-winter callouts in other people’s cars

SSR was great. We need more of that kind of entertainment

All I know is if the Neon crew keeps up the way they are my work week is going to fly by.

I vote BBN&TPCC, because it shows no class, taste, value, or workmanship.

SSR at least was reasonably tasteful, just slow and technically light years faster than BBN&TPCC will ever be.

BBN&C b/c i know them and hang out with them…


Both made me extremely happy. Voted BBN because I’m still laughing at them now.


Boom Digidigidigi Boom Digi Boom!

why don’t we throw the lockport high rollers in on this one?

#3 FTW