I cant figure out who entertains me more, Syracuse Street Racers or the Baby Blue Neon Crew. How about you?
I vote BBN, but that is simply because I wasn’t following the SSR all that much.
sSR.That one pic that was posted was just to funny.
Your standard for entertainment sucks.
I like some good old fashioned NYSpeed drama in the Kill Stories.
Both made me extremely happy. Voted BBN because I’m still laughing at them now.
SSR for the mid-winter callouts in other people’s cars
SSR was great. We need more of that kind of entertainment
All I know is if the Neon crew keeps up the way they are my work week is going to fly by.
I vote BBN&TPCC, because it shows no class, taste, value, or workmanship.
SSR at least was reasonably tasteful, just slow and technically light years faster than BBN&TPCC will ever be.
BBN&C b/c i know them and hang out with them…
Both made me extremely happy. Voted BBN because I’m still laughing at them now.
Boom Digidigidigi Boom Digi Boom!