St.Pattys Day

So what’s everyone doin? I got band practice so I’m not goin out drinking. :tdown:. Although I will probably get drunk at my guitarist’s house because that’s where we practice :tup:. But there will be like no hot bitches :tdown:. But that means I don’t have to buy anybody a drink :tup:.

i’ll be workin at subzero all weekend. same as any other week. come in and get cruuuuuunk! and i think sunday for the parade as well.:beer2:

easy on the thumbs jeg.

I’m going to wake up :tup: take a piss :tup: which means i get to whip it out :tup: but there will be no hot bitches there :tdown: then i will shower and eat :tup: but that will increase my tolerance :tdown: then start drinking :tspry:

^ haha.

i have scuba diving in the morning until around 4pm, so unfortunately i can’t start very early. but definitly hittin the strip around here.

parade then downtown.

going to boston

Going the my in-laws house for some corned beef and cabbage. And maybe a little Irish coffee.

Coming to Buffalo and going to Sundowners/Seneca Friday then the NCAA tourney on Saturday… then drinking till I black out. Back to Maryland on Sunday. In that EXACT order

I am taking my dad out to dinner for his b-day

going out for… crab cakes! or whatever i decide with the husband.

im just gonna try to survive

Oh man, I think I might start simmering the corned beef in the crock pot tonight…

I can handle the meat but does anybody have any recommendations for how to cook the cabbage and potatoes?

maybe that will help

but this would be good too:


lol…I was just bored and fuckin around. Sorry. :frowning:

I begin drinking at 17:00 (5PM) on Friday and do not stop until whenever I get home on Sunday. My liver is going to hate me. Seriously.

Good thing I have Monday off. :eekdance:

Hmm, I’m not going to follow that directly but I’ll use it for inspiration for how to not fuck up the cabbage. I’ll probably do something like this:

Meat, onion, in crock pot tonight with a bag of powdered french onion soup mix. Add small red potatoes tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night remove meat and spuds, pour liquid into big ass pan with cabbage, simmer till tender.