Stage 2 cams - installation

I’m happy to report that my Brian Crower Stage 2 cams have arrived for my KA24DE. Group buys are a wonderful thing… Anyways, I want to intall these items myself, along with a new upper timing chain. What I want to know is if this is dooable. I have basic mechanical skills, but what I also have is a resentment towards paying a mechanic $500 to do this for me.
Many people here know their shit, so I ask you guys for advice. Many more people here think they do but don’t, so don’t post if you’re one of them.
I hope to have these in before Drift-Ops on the 28th, but I’m not loosing sleep over it…
Thank guys


Leo, even though I’m not in the know-how of how to change your cams, I would suggest installing them after the drift-ops. Better safe then sorry and better drifting then hardparking like me.

With the right tools, it’s a 10 min install .
Very simple . The only thing that you need to be carefull about is the timing mark, make sure they are lines up before you take the cam sprokers out and lined up when they go back in and you will be fine.

I swapped out my 98 cams with 91’s, that how I know.

the cam come with red lube, whats that for? anything else I should know, do I need to have the engine re-tuned afterwards, etc ? someone give a nice write-up and school my sorry ass.

the lube is used ont eh lobes because it’s sticky, it’ll stick to the cams and prevent dry start.

Before installing, sand the coating on the cams, becaus eit flakes off.

just follow the fsm

Don’t sand the coating, use some type of synthetic spray and a rag. DON’T SAND THE CAMS!

The lube would be used on the lobes aswell as on the bearing surfaces, just a thin smudge on each one covering the entire bearing surface and lobe surface using your finger.

As for the R and R, refer to the FSM.

Good luck.


your supposed to use assembly lube not sand paper…

umm… are you sure that you can install those cams without upgrading your valvesprings and retainers and other valvetrain bits?

by stage 2 do you mean they are one stage above stock?

with HKS cams all stage 2 requires upgrading valvetrain,

same with most others.

you could upgrade the springs but that will be based on how high you typically rev and whether you boost… both benefit from stronger seat pressures, for boost related opening issues the exhaust valve doesn’t need upgrading just the intake

that said on a non-turbo ka with new stock springs should be fine, but what kind of lift do the cams have?

These cams are designed to work with stock spring and retainers. See Crower website…

When I looked into these cams, I noticed that they have a high lift for stage 2. More then most, and they do recommend running new springs.
Not required but is recommended.

Just my 2 cents,

Good luck!!!

KA vs SR.

With a KA you don’t need springs with an SR its recomended