Staining my fence, stain selection

So after having my fence installed last year, decided its time to get some stain on it this year.

I have a Lowe’s gift card I am going to use to get the stain so I am keeping my selection to what lowe’s offers. I went there this evening and unfortunately they do not stock sampler sizes. So I am hoping can someone give me some recommendations, I am strongly leaning towards a translucent stain unless someone can give me a compelling reason to go with semi-transparent.

My fence is Red Pine and Lowes has Cabot and Olympic brands.

If anyone has pictures of translucent stained red pine that would be even better to give me a visual idea.

wait till ieatpaint chimes in. lol

+1. Resident paint expert.

Thanks fellas,

If you’re going to use their products you’re going to want to use cabot, olympic sucks donkey dick. It’s just PPG’s shit brand. I would highly suggest the cabot wood tone line which is the yellow can with the blue band on it, it’s the translucent. The product code is 9200 for natural, 9202 for cedar etc etc. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE OIL BASED, NO LATEX. I seriously can’t stress that enough. Don’t get the timber oil, you don’t have a hardwood fence. You don’t use semi-transparent until your fence needs to cover up some wear, like in 8-10years. The progression is translucent, semi-trans, semi-solid, solid, tear that bitch down. We guarantee solid stains to peel, it’s what they do. If you need any help feel free to PM me or post here.

As for application you can put that shit through a pump sprayer (like with weed killer or whatever) but be god damn sure you brush it in before it dries. So spray out a 4ft section and brush it in. DO NOT DO 2 COATS, it will not dry.

That should cover it.

Edit: It maaaaaay be listed as 3002, but I’d be shocked, that’s for canadians I think. Just make sure it’s the wood tone siding/decking and oil base.

Edit #2: This is the best lowes has to offer, in no way shape for form is it a “very good” quality stain. But I would use it if you’ve got a decent chunk of gift cards for sure. It’s not shit, but it’s not Sikkens.


and this is why we wait… lol

Thanks for the help, picked up the stuff tonight. Hopefully will be able to put on during the week provided the weather holds up. I will remember to just contact you in the future for paint/stain related help, you work at Schuele Paint correct?

Yeah I do. I manage the Clarence store now until this fall when I’ll be taking a salesman position, so I’ll be out on the road and all that crap. If you run into any troubles or have any questions just PM me, and if it’s catastrophic I can come check something out for you. Enjoy the staining, it fucking sucks haha. Keep an eye out for the weather too, you’re going to want at least 4-6 hours with the cabot before rain hits the fence.


handsome… and smart.

Total package.