fixed AGIAN stevenn. honda has plenty of good looking oem wheels.:crazy
awwwwww, well if they are tasteful then i retract that part. just for you budddy
:hahahate all you want fawkers I just heard my car is gonna be a booth car on a northeast wheel tour. :rofl Funny thing i was about to do a steplip from cor which is same company but they want me to rock these for the tour.
:number1:tongue I left a comment on your build thread let me know if you need help fool
i just love picking on you.
but tony, has no taste.
:hug it’s all good and i was dying to tell everybody the news about the tour anyways.
actually the northeast wheel tour asked me to be in it and said your uninvited.
:wow:'( nooooooooooooooo!!!
northeast wheel tour? wtf is that?
wheel tour is a marketing campign for DPE, ISS Forged, Vossen, Cor, Axiom, and Strasse Forged wheels. The tour is 8-10 shows in the show circuit and I believe they are using my car for about 6 of them.
ah gotcha. the company that makes my wheels is not included hahahaha
yup sadly they aren’t this yr.
Theyre a very small company, i think they only hit a handful of shows a year
they don’t really need to market that much either since the vw/audi world loves their wheels lol.