its been through several stages since then.

this thread needs moar etown…fennybizzle

I dont even own a camera.

I owned a camera once. Never again.

Nick was MURDERING it. Ridiculous.

thanks benny you were tearing it up too. i would blame your spins on sunday on a hangover.



its the only video i got from freedom moves. I know this is a picture thread but i didnt want to make a new thread for three cell phone videos.

haha thanks man, yeah I felt like DICK. I’m kickimg myself for not just swapping tires and running til they booted us, but I just wasnt feeling it. Had a pretty nasty off on the back course too that was a bit of a reality check/turned me off lol

no problem man, I think i saw you go off on the back course.

It sucked man lol, I thought I had hurt the car bad, just dented the hell out of the exhaust though. Took what little wind I had left out of my sails lol

haha i gotta get under my car and check it out, i smashed the shit outta it, my exhaust is definately messed up judging from the sound.

look at that steering angle! nice pic steve. How’d you get that picture from Huy? its not on his flickr yet.

sam pic angle buddiesss

I loved that hill, full on boner :lol

benny i cant see that picture. I love that whole course. haha

ahhh shit he took it down. weak. i cleared my cache too so it’s gone forever :frowning:

He posted a link on my facebook yesterday, I had to save it to set as my profile pic :lol

oh cool.