Stanley Cup Game 3 = LOWEST RATINGS EVAR


everyone is blowing this way out of proportion


negative, just stirring up thought. You’ve heard/read it as much as I have since the lockout, Bettman wants to grow the league (audience). The NHL doesn’t want to be the C-list pro-sport any longer. My point with the thread is the same as those points you hear from league & PA officials:


The game is in trouble… No one takes it seriously outside of hockey cities.


The championship series of an international game in a primtime slot and it pulls the worst ratings on record, on one of the largest broadcast networks - thats NOT a problem?

I assumed, same as you, that Ott fans were watching HNIC, but the league doesn’t get those numbers - so it IS a moot point.


…and I sincerely doubt the numbers would’ve been one the other end of the record IF the sabres were in it.
Yes, they’re the league darlings, but even when we played in NYC for two series the ratings were barely good (MSG / NBC combined). The Buff News covered those stats after each game, with the appropriate doom & gloom of course.
If the Sabres took on the Ducks in the finals, I’m sure some more of the “real fans” would be watching - given all the sub-plots…

It boils down to generating NEW blood. Look at the Quakers… :wink: