Stanley Cup Game 3 = LOWEST RATINGS EVAR

HUH? You guys honetly think hockey is failing because of announcing?

I can tell you that no other city would watch RJ and jim if they had a choice between them and harry neal and bob cole. And are you basking the success of the sabres on the fact that the nhl isn’t in trouble? DUDE the sabres are 1 team and i bet you $50 in 3 years when they suck again they will have attendance issues and will be broke again. We may be hockey fans but there arent enough die hards in the city to support the team.

i bet not the only big defesit coming up is trading briere or drury and it will be briere.
then thats it.
and nbc is a westren ny channel… westren nyt wants to watch the sens get beat… so we will watch the station. but we will ionly make up half the rating. and the announcers make a big deal. why do you think thasts a subject on this thread. :slight_smile:

look, when the game is shown nationally on nbc, and one of the teams is canadian, and the other is a west coast non hockey city, of course the ratings are going to be low. the fans of the sens are not watching it on nbc, they are watching it on cbc. there goes half your audience right there. i’m not worried, all you have to do is look at the teams that are playing, everyone is blowing this way out of proportion

very very correct… again it results in use only making up so much of the audience… but weer not blowing it out of poportion

and shorning the season by 5 games would do nothing they play a game every other day… itd be a total of like a week. not big anoff to impact me.
get ridd of the fags that donnt know hocky and the announcers would not be a problem .
besides senators = canada
nbc = new york… they dont mix./