Star Wars Nerds, wahh hell, all nerds enter

you know you want this.

kinda looks like the robot from robocop too.

A 10+ Foot Tall Wearable Robot Suit

> > > > ![]( This is literally something right out of the pages of a video game (like [Xenosaga]( It's a robotic suit that stands over 10 feet tall, with a cockpit for a human to sit inside and control. We reported about the [Land Walker]( about one year ago the first time. Now it is actually on sale and there is a video of the huge robot in action. > > >

Called The Land Walker, it weighs close to 1 ton (2,000 pounds!) and is controlled by four pedals from inside the cockpit. Additionally, it has built-in air guns that can shoot bullets (not real bullets, though…“sponge bullets”). Talk about a totally pimped out Halloween costume! [left]


And yes, the robot is actually available for sale, though right now only in Japan, for about $315,000.

See it in action (YouTube). Via Born Rich

Report Published by: Mark Raby[size=6]

omg watch the video, the GUNS WORK




If I saw that thing on the side of the road, I’d peace out :lolsign:

Bad. Ass.

In addition to it looking like the chicken walker from Star Wars, it look a bit like ED209 from Robocop…

I love that the targets it shoots at look straight out of a video game.

thats because htey are…space invaders!!!

omg omg


well if the first post was as cool as mine, i would have read it

I’d have to agree this post is WAYYYYY cooler than the one I made. :tup:

land rolls around on wheels

looks like a Flea, i miss mechwarrior

land walker?? more like land shuffler!

the thing isnt even walking, for 315,000 i would expect something that picks up its feet so I can crush things I walk over = badass

oh man, i wanna get in and go cruisin for chicks in that hot steed :tup: